Saturday, May 3, 2014

What's in the Box?

You might recall from my first post that we had ordered our homeschool curriculum from Sonlight. I received an email that our packages were shipped on Wednesday and should arrive by the weekend. This week had been a tough one on me in several ways- I started getting sick with a cold, on Thursday we started May 1st which meant I would only have a month left at work, and my nerves were setting in from all the changes we were making.

As I woke up this morning, still feeling sick from this head cold, I remembered that today could possibly be delivery day for our materials. The thought of this made me smile for the first time in several days. I momentarily forgot how I couldn't breathe through my nose, how my stomach had been in knots over the stress of changes, or the fact that it was 5am and I had barely slept the night before.

And then our curriculum arrived at noon today. I was a kid at Christmas, ripping open the boxes and oohing and aahing over each thing I took out of each box.
As you can see, we received quite a bit of learning materials! I stood in my dining room just staring at everything for quite a long time. Reality hit me while I stood there, that I was about to embark on one of the most important journeys of my life- and that my son's education would be officially in my hands. 

Check out this massive amount of reading material we get to explore. There are books I've never heard of before and then there are books from my own childhood like Beezus and Ramona, The House at Pooh Corner, and Little House in the Big Woods. As an English major and lover of books, you can imagine my excitement when I saw the reading list! I wonder if Pax will share the same enthusiasm as we begin our homeschool journey?

But no fear, I am pleased to share that I will not have to stress about curriculum planning and making sure that we hit all of our kindergarten milestones. I about fainted when I saw how huge my planning guide was. Looks like I have a bit of homework myself before we get started! :)

I will share more once I get the chance to go through all of the materials. Getting closer....