Tuesday, October 21, 2014

When Winnie the Pooh Hits Close to Home

Paxton and I have been having some very productive days in homeschool. Pax is learning to do some basic two and three word sentence reading and he is really concentrating for much longer periods of time than he did the first few weeks of school. This week I felt especially emotional about our homeschool experience because I know it is for only a season and I keep praying that this season can last forever.

We started reading The House at Pooh Corner last week and I really hoped Pax would enjoy this book because I have always been a fan of Winnie the Pooh. (My nursery as a baby was in Pooh and I always enjoyed stories and movies about him and the Hundred Acre Wood)

Paxton has been glued to the book since page one. Each day he wants to hear more and each day I have to remind him that we will read more again tomorrow. (Neither one of us is ready for this book to be over. Pax told me he loves when I talk in "Pooh's voice" and "sing the songs in silly voices")

 When we got to a chapter about Pooh counting his honey jars, we decided to get our honey jar out and make a honey sandwich. Pax loved it!
And as we finish this book, I reflect on this saying from Pooh to Piglet and wish nothing more than this from me to Paxton....

Friday, October 3, 2014

To Answer Your Questions About Homeschool....

*Disclaimer: Before you read this blog post, please understand that these views are my own and are only specific to my personal homeschooling experience. I do not speak for the homeschool community or any other parent who homeschools.

The following questions have been asked to me in regards to homeschooling my son Paxton. I would like to believe that those who have asked me are just curious but I have encountered several people who are completely skeptical or think I am odd for choosing this path for my son’s education. I have chosen to use this experience as a way to enlighten those who might not understand what homeschool is truly about for my family.

1. So you don’t think traditional school is good enough?

When I found out I was pregnant with Pax, I assumed we would place him in a school. (public or private, didn’t really matter at the time) As Pax got a bit older, I started doing my own research and was struggling with what decision to make. I do not think public schools are bad and I do not think there is anything wrong with sending your child to private school- I attended both types of schools and had wonderful experiences in each. We just chose a different way for Paxton.

2. Aren’t you worried Pax will get behind?

This question seems like a loaded question to me. I wonder why people always assume the worst when a child’s education is left to a parent. If Pax gets behind in school, I will be able to work longer and harder on what he needs more practice in. If he gets ahead in school, I can challenge him or offer a slower pace so that we aren’t too far ahead that things become difficult. Every parent deals with this situation at one point in time or another no matter where they go to school. In my opinion, one on one time seems like a perfect fit for either scenario.

3. Do you follow a curriculum or make things up as you go along?

The most important thing for Pax is to be doing work that is geared for his age and ability level. I researched tons of homeschool curriculums and found one that works for us 100%. Even though we may add things are alter the curriculum some, I felt it was incredibly important to purchase a complete kindergarten curriculum so that we were on target with what other kindergarteners were learning. We use www.sonlight.com if you are interested in checking it out. 

4. Aren’t you worried that Pax won’t have any socialization?

Are you kidding me? Pax has a bigger social schedule than Donnie (my husband) and I combined. I schedule at least two play dates a week for him and we attend church on Sunday and Wednesday (he has a giant children’s church group he is a part of) and we frequent Ergadoozy (one of the places we utilize for gross motor). This kid has more friends and more social experiences than most kids I know.

5. Do you plan to put Pax in “regular” school at all?

This question is a hard one for me to answer right now. At this moment, we are saturating ourselves in the homeschool experience and enjoying every moment. Pax gets to see his dad every day when Donnie comes home for lunch, he gets to have the freedom to sleep in if he needs to, I get to choose what he eats and when he can have snacks or drinks if needed, we were able to grow our own garden and learn all about nature at any moment of the day, and we aren’t limited to what we can learn.

We incorporate the Bible, bugs, nature, the library, friends, continuous field trips (real life experiences), piano, and many other things into homeschool. We love the flexibility it offers our family, we are thankful to not have to worry about sick days or scheduling a babysitter when he is out of school, and we enjoy watching him learn new things every single day.

 We plan to take each year to evaluate what we are doing and if Pax is thriving and go from there. The ultimate goal is to be active in his life experiences, education included. If there comes a day that we change our minds, we will cross that bridge and make a decision.

I hope this has helped you understand why we do what we do. This experience has brought numerous positive changes to our family and we are so thankful and blessed to be right where we are.