Saturday, April 26, 2014

The Beginning

When my husband and I sat down one evening last August and talked about homeschooling our son, I kept wondering if I would really have the courage to take this giant leap of faith. We already knew that the school options for Pax were disappointing and he would be ready to start kindergarten at a blink of an eye. We had to make a decision and then stick with it.

The most obvious change would be for me. I would have to quit the job I have been at for nearly ten years and we would have to learn how to budget as a one income family. The thoughts of leaving my position to stay home with Pax were bittersweet. I couldn't imagine a better reason to leave my job but I also couldn't imagine not working. I've had full time employment for eighteen years and the longest time I've not worked out of the home was during my maternity leave of thirteen weeks. Thankfully, the decision to resign was much easier because I work with some great people who value my interests and have been very supportive.

The one income part is probably the thing that scared my husband and I the most. Yes, if things change and I need to find part time work, I will. If life happens in ways we did not plan, we will make it work. But as of this moment, things are continuing to fall into place.

As of right now, we have an official work space for Pax in our shared office. As you can see, he loves bugs!


We also attended our first homeschool convention and really enjoyed visiting with various vendors and homeschooling families.

And finally, we ordered our official kindergarten curriculum from, along with several science books at the convention.We have decided to go with a faith based company because we really wanted to incorporate Biblical lessons and history into our curriculum. I encourage you to explore all of your options before deciding on a curriculum if you are thinking about homeschooling. If you are looking for faith based curriculum, consider reading the following article:

My official resignation date is May 30th. I had planned to spend the summer exploring curriculum and setting up Pax's desk but now that we have accomplished our to-do-list, we are going to begin the homeschool adventure the first week of June. Our plan is to start slow and steady and find our groove and utilize our time just figuring out what works best for Paxton.

Looking forward to the adventures ahead- this is just the beginning! 


  1. Congratulations on your new venture! I am just finishing up my 3rd year of homeschooling. I have learned so much and am thankful for the opportunity I have had to invest in my daughter's life. Having a local support group has made a big difference for us too!

    1. Thank you so much! I am so excited and cannot wait to see how Pax and I do our first year!
