Monday, September 22, 2014

Our First Sick Day

Have you ever experienced a situation where you just said something and boom, the opposite happens? Last Wednesday, as I left for church, I commented to my husband that Pax had been relatively well all summer. Even with allergies and such, he seemed to be staying healthy. No sooner did we come home from children's church when I heard the dreaded sneezing and stuffy nose.

How did this happen when he was perfectly fine all day on Wednesday? Instead of getting upset or wondering where his latest illness came from, I acted fast. I use essential oils and other all natural products to assist in illness before I move forward with a doctor visit. In the past 1.5yrs, Pax has only been to the doctor for a sick visit once. (His first year of life he was at the doctor's office every 6-8wks. with ear infections)

I grabbed the humidifier, the oil diffuser, and my trusty oils and put Pax to bed. By Thursday morning, he was still not feeling well. I could tell because he slept in until 8:45am and this rarely happens. And so we decided to cash in our first homeschool sick day.
Our Thursday was spent blowing noses, watching movies, and sleeping. I didn't think once to push school assignments; I just wanted him to feel better.
By Friday, we were still in the same boat. He didn't want to eat anything and barely drank liquids. But he was happy. Thursday night he received a package of Minecraft Legos in the mail and he perked up instantly to play with them. Truthfully, they were a godsend to me because I was beginning to run out of things to do to keep him from getting antsy and start coughing.

Sunday he seemed to be doing better with the exception of the cough. I decided we should make up some of the school work he missed Thursday and Friday. He was completely fine with doing school on Sunday. I kind of think he missed his routine. (maybe just a little) lol.

Today is Monday and we are still in the same boat. His spirits are better and he is eating somewhat but we are still battling a nasty cold. Thankful for these days at home where he can rest and go at his own pace. Grateful that if we fall behind a bit, he can catch up all through out the day or night.

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