Monday, December 8, 2014

The Stages of Cabin Fever

With the colder weather I have noticed we are enjoying our days indoors. I know that as these continue we will probably feel a bit of cabin fever. Instead of dreading it, I would like to prepare ourselves for it and one way is to change things up a bit.

As you have read in previous posts, we do homeschool is nearly every room of the house. I had been using my Thirty-One portable file and filled it with each day's assignments. Every morning I let Pax pick out where we do our work and on many days, he prefers the dining room table. But then I thought about the desk we had set up in the office and how we've only used it a handful of times for school. I wondered if maybe it was because things were sort of all over the place and the space was cramped.

On Mondays I clean house. I feel like it is a really good way to start the week and I feel more productive after I have cleaned. While cleaning this morning, I kept looking at the cramped space where Pax's desk was and each time I passed it, I cringed. Halfway through my cleaning, I decided to do something about it; I moved the desk closer to mine and I cleaned out his storage bins and replaced the empty bins with his materials for school. (most of these materials had been thrown on shelves or in baskets.)

Take a look at the finished product:
The desk is moved next to the window so we can watch when it snows! I organized his file bins according to subject so Pax can grab his own supplies for each day. The wall where his desk used to be now has everything neatly organized and a reading basket Pax can choose extra books to read throughout the day.


 And it was Paxton Approved! So glad he enjoyed the new space and hopefully, it will give us one more option on days when we have a bit of cabin fever this winter!

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